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Opps's we Almost Forgot, We Now have a Beta Testing Room where We Teach all the Secret Stuff, that Goes Into All Our Softwares. Imagine Just What Learning 1 new Technique would be worth to your Bottom Line. Now you can Be in a Place where Rooms are Filled with Bunches of New Techniques, All In One Place!
Imagine now you will be in Our Secret Ninja Room that are Filled with Sinister Einstein's. Don't take Our Word for it'
This is what some of Our Ninja's are saying!
Justin 9:43am
While I was not directly asked I wanted to express my review and opinion of all of the Factory Tools team.
First up Chris:
I have not had the chance to directly interact with Chris, I am in the testing rooms and it seems when I have an idea someone has already brought it up with Chris. Not only do I see him excited about possibilities always seems to "one-up" the idea and makes it into something amazing. Fantastic research and implementation are two things you just do not see on a regular basis. Fantastic support!
Wow what can you say about Gary except that he embodies all of the things I wish I was better at! Fantastic support, always has an eye on how to help those around him and knowledgeable to the point I know he is always in competition for being the smartest person in the room.
Wow, talk about a heart of gold and I gotta tell you I always feel I work alot but am HUMBLED every day by the support Patrick provides me. No question one of those people I would go to bat for everyday all day no matter the circumstances. He is the Yoda and top of the list of people that I can go to who will not only have a solution but help you to implement said solution. WOW I can't express enough about how much he has helped me.
Talk about support and implementation! Rod is an inspiration to me to just "Be better" in all things tech. Always there, always on top of what you need with an unrivaled expertise that I am blown away with everytime we interact.
I know there are more people involved, this team makes me feel confident I can face the challenges that 22' has piled on me. looking forward to all the cool things this team is bringing to market. If you don't know you had better catch up cause this Factory train is moving at high speed helping all comers.
Randy, 8:27 AM
Patrick asked that I leave a review and I’m grateful for all that he has done to help me with my business, and I’m happy to do so.
When it comes to Chris, Gary, and Patrick you’ve hit the trifecta.
Having developed my own software program years ago, I can’t begin to tell you the horror stories working with software developers.
But Chris, their software developer is different. When someone in the group comes up with an idea for the software, he always one-ups them, and gives you a better solution. He is truly an amazing software developer, and on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I’d give him a 15.
But Chris is only one part of the team. The idea man who is always three steps ahead of the competition is Gary. The depth of his knowledge about Google is superior to anyone I’ve ever seen online, and I belong to several mastermind groups most of you will know as gurus in the online space.
And last but not least is Patrick. I once had an hour and a half one-on-one session with Patrick, and he said I should record the meeting because I’d need to review it from time to time. It was an hour and a half brain dump on what I needed to help my son’s business own the dental implant market int the state. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reviewed that video.
I’ve never experienced anyone with that level of SEO knowledge who was willing to share his secrets with such a willingness just to help me out.
I’d be remiss if I left Rod out. Rod handles their support, and although I’ve only uses him three or four times, he’s always solved the issue and has gone above and beyond.
As online marketers, we often find ourselves in a position of privilege. We have access to information and resources that many people don't know about. But with this privilege comes responsibility. We have a responsibility to give back to our community and help others who are trying to build their businesses.
So with that said, if you have the opportunity to be part of this group, take advantage of it. It’s a gift that just keeps on giving.
Ferdinand, 12:36 PM
One thing I’d like to say is thank you to everyone as well. Sometimes we get stuck, even though we may know what we’re doing, seo is extremely complex and has so many different segments. To have a group and software like this that can aid in bringing your site to the top is absolutely priceless. I admit my mind was baffled at our stagnant movement and I just couldn’t think of a better way to get us to move up - probably being so close to problem I wasn’t seeing things from a birds eye perspective. So for what it’s worth thank you all for helping with this software, techniques, hints, tips, etc… it/you brought me out of the fog.
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